KIBA congratulates best students in the DKV FSRD ITB Children’s Book Illustration Class 2021. Thank you for your achievement and contribution for Indonesian children’s book illustration!

The Imaginesia Award is a annual award given to students who enrolled in Illustration and children’s book design classes. These students have high dedication to class projects, stand out ability to develop a concept, and clear visual expression. -Triyadi Guntur


Shooting Stars by Airien Adani Ludin #kiba_2020

A little star has fallen into the room of a child who is afraid of the dark. The little star wants to return to her family in the sky, but light pollution from the surrounding buildings blocks her view.
To clear the night sky, the child and the little star must work together to turn off the lights from the surrounding area. Maybe the darkness isn’t so scary huh!

Airien @riendin likes to watch movies and keeps his parakeet named Soda. He hopes that more and more children’s books will be published with themes that can inspire readers, both children, and adults. So that children’s books can get more attention and appreciation by the people of Indonesia.


Breaking the Sun by Samantha M.D. #kiba_2020

In the southern part of the Jayawijaya Mountains, Papua is a small village shrouded in darkness. Rangi is tired of living in the dark, then goes on an adventure to find two magical javelins that are said to be able to break the sun and bring his village out of the darkness.

Samantha loves reading, gardening, and listening to songs. The hope is that the world of illustration and children’s books in Indonesia can grow, produce more and more inspirational storybooks, and make Indonesian illustrators and writers happy.


Where is the Moon? by Vikha Puti Madani #kiba_2020

Adit the dwarf with Tobi his cat, looking for where the Moon went every night, they asked the forest officials, but could not find him. Adit and Tobi tried to search every night, until finally getting an answer from the Moon.

Vika @anginhariminggu @vikhapmdnii loves to watch and doodle. What are his hopes for the world of Indonesian children’s books? Hopefully, Indonesian children’s books will become the first choice for parents and children in Indonesia, to be able to compete with international books and illustrations.


Pleiades and Bedhaya Ketawang Dance by Amanda Rizqi Nursidin #kiba_2020

Chika is learning a dance, she tells the story behind the dance to Dini, her best friend. This dance tells of a Queen who sends the 7 most beautiful stars as a form of her love to the King who is on Earth. The seven stars also performed the Bedhaya Ketawang dance so that a gate was formed between the two worlds that could bring together the Queen and the King. Now, when you look at the Pleiades, seven stars shine brightly at night, a sign that the door between worlds is opening.

Let’s get acquainted with Amanda, who enjoys reading fiction books and collecting children’s picture books. What are his hopes for the world of children’s book illustration?
He hopes that the field of children’s book illustration can develop for the better and my goal is to open an agency to help illustrators in making works, especially for children’s books.


“Cookies!” by Rizqiandini Ardelia Bakri #kiba_2020

That night Liana realized that the moon was no longer round! The shape is now exactly like a cake that was bitten in half by him. Who has eaten the moon?

Risqiandini (Risa) likes to draw cute things. He wants more works that can encourage children to like reading and telling stories.


Kilip and Princess Moon by Yosephine Chandra Melinda #kiba_2020

One night in Kalimantan, Kilip was invited by his grandfather to explore the forest in search of his old friend, Princess Bulan. On his way, he also met various kinds of forest dwellers. However, a surprise awaits Kilip. What’s that?

His hope for the world of illustration: I hope that Indonesian children’s book illustrations will be more diverse & reach internationally! Yaaay!


“Latitude Cucumber” by Fauzhyana Sharifa #kiba_2020

Latitude Cube is different from other stars. It has a very special long tail. All of Lintang Kemukus’s friends were annoyed with his tail that dangled everywhere, even though Lintang Kemukus just wanted to play together. They didn’t understand that Latitude Cube was an extraordinary star.

Zhyan likes to tell stories through many visual media, illustrations, films, animation, photography, and all that can make a good impression on people’s hearts.

He hopes that children around the world, especially in Indonesia, can continue to learn and explore new things through books and illustrations. Hopefully, there will be more relevant topics to be raised and introduced to the children.